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It's bad, but enjoyable **½

One thing to note when you sit down to watch Bats....don't take it too seriously.  It is meant to be a fun sort of movie; a throwback to the old horror movies that were incredibly campy, yet enjoyable.

True, there is plenty not to like about Bats.  The acting is passable at best, the script has major holes in it and the whole movie has a B-grade feel to it; yet the film is oddly enjoyable.

Odd because everything about the movie should add up to it being a total write-off.  In fact, most critics have dismissed it as a total dud but you get the feeling that they may have been a little harsh in their criticism.

It may not have been a success at the box-office but Bats is a perfect "video movie".  People's expectations are a little lower when they see a film on video than they would be had they seen that same film at the cinemas and the fact that this review is of a video viewing of Bats, may go a little way to explaining my favourable impressions.

The real highlight of Bats is the special effects.   The bats look truly frightening and every close up of the ugly little critters will make your skin crawl.

They are not the only thing that will make your skin crawl, however.  The film has the token "smart-ass" character that is supposed to provide some comic relief but his consistent attempts at humour fall flat.   Why this character needs to be in the film is beyond me and the film would definitely have been better without him; or at least with him toning down his "jokes".

Still there is enough to like about Bats to make it worth a watch.  It's not great, but it is not that bad either and, although it only gets two-and-a-half stars, it is definitely not among the worst films of the year.

- Adam Matthews