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Visitor Review (Unedited)

Billy Elliot ****

Reviewed by: Fendy Lie (Melbourne, Australia, 20 years old)

I loved every single minute of it. What a wonderful movie!! Inspiring, cheeky yet sad and very moving at times. To me, everything involved in the movie is just flawless. Cast are superb, music is fantastic, story is extremely good, and the whole movie is nothing short of extraordinary. If I were a member of the Academy, I would give it every award I could give, including Best Picture, Director, Actor (for the wonderful Jamie Bell), Supporting Actor (Billy's father), Supporting Actress (Billy's Ballet Teacher), Script, Music, and the list will go on and on. This is one of the best I've seen this year, if not simply the best. This year is really full of disappointment by Hollywood, simply because of its lack of good and entertaining movies that it has been produced like previous years. This movie however, being not a Hollywood movie is one thing, being a beautiful and entertaining movie is really another thing, and yet it is still the movie that Hollywood can't give us this year. This movie as far as I am concerned has been receiving so many good to extraordinary reviews from people around UK and US that I am most certainly sure it will do also quite a good business here in Australia. This movie simply covers a lot of aspects of life and delivers them beautifully, and audience will simply be drawn into the movie and feel like being part of the movie itself. The fact that many people are criticising all the profanity language the characters use in the movie is not of my very concern, because I think they are really quite appropriate in a way considering it is shot during the 80's mining strike period where people living in that town are rather rude and not properly educated. Lots of humorous moments, and some very inspiring and well done sequences, that show a lot of things about social stereotypes and sexuality among boys in those time. No more to say, I will simply highly recommend this film to anyone who likes good British coming-of-age films. Even for those who are not, they might still enjoy this film, as I myself is not particularly a very big fan of those kind of films. Not all British films have attracted my interest a lot. I don't particularly like Full Monty very much for instance, but I love Notting Hill. So, needless to say anymore, go and watch this movie when it comes out nationwide this week!!!

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