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flashback (quiz show).jpg (4034 bytes) Quiz Show (1994)

Staring: John Turturro, Rob Morrow, Ralph Fiennes, Paul Scofield, David Paymer, Hank Azaria
Directed by: Robert Redford
Written by: Paul Attanasio
U.S.A Box Office: US$24.82m

Nominated for 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Paul Scofield), Best Director (Robert Redford) and Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published (Paul Attanasio)

Cheaters Never Prosper
by Kristian Guillermo

Clever, enjoyable, intelligent - it is such a shock that this film did so poorly in the box office.  Robert Redford does a wonderful job in capturing and illustrating to the audience the American society during the late 1950s, the decade in which TV first invaded the lives of Americans.

Quiz Show is a drama about the quiz show scandal in America during the late 1950s.  Herb Stempel played by John Turtorro is a know-it-all Jewish contestant on the NBC's quiz show called "Twenty One", who has been on a winning streak, partly because he has been given some of the answers.  When the executives of the show decide that his audience appeal is declining, they decide to replace him with an attractive intellectual named Charles Van Doren.  Stempel takes the news rather poorly.

Meanwhile, America quickly falls in love with the charming and handsome Van Doren.  Blinded by fame more so than money, Van Doren, played by English actor Ralph Fiennes, agrees to cheat.  This results in a rise of popularity for the show, becoming one of the most watch show in America.  It also resulted in Charles Van Doren becoming TV's latest celebrity.  However, Stempel, still angered by getting kicked off the show, blows the whistle on the whole set up.  And with the help of a congressional investigator played by Rob Morrow they brought the deception of the American public to an end.

The script by Paul Attanasio brilliantly illustrates the innocence of Americans during the 1950s by treating a minor incident such as a rigged quiz show as if it was the Watergate scandal.  Herein, lies perhaps the reason why the film did so poorly in the box office.  For a modern audience, the story just does not inspire outrage.  In an era, when the world's most powerful man can lie during his impeachment trial and not be reprimanded for it, a rigged quiz show is just not perceived as a national scandal.  Rather, it makes you long for a time when innocence still exists as such a level that a rigged quiz show could have been considered a national scandal.

Quiz Show is a refreshing film, which veers away from today's tried and successful formula of sex and violence equals box office hit.  Rather it relies on good acting and a polish script to entertain people.  While not a big success in the box office, it is still a film that offers enjoyment during a quiet Friday night for movie buffs.

Rating: ***½                                Next >>