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Gentlemen....this sucks *½

A movie this bad does not deserve a long review so I will keep it short and to the point...something that makers of The Skulls should have done.

In short, The Skulls in one of the worse films of the year, combining an atrocious script with some woeful acting and moulding them together into a complete and utter mess of a film.

Why people in Hollywood continue to try to make Joshua Jackson a star is unknown.  He is totally unbelievable in the role Luke McNamara, a ordinary working class student who gets recruited in a high-powered secret society that promises to make all of his dreams a reality.

Of course, the society turns out to have a dark side and soon McNamara is fighting for his life.  It is all so ludicrous that the guy who pitched the plot to the executives should get a special mention for actually getting this film made.  It was quite an effort.

Unfortunately, Jackson's laboured performance is not the worse one produced in the movie, not by a long way.

Paul Walker effort as Caleb Mandrake is laughable.  Every time he appears on screen you will find yourself cringing.  I hope that it is his natural accent that he is using in the film because if it is his attempt at a high-society, snobby accent, than this kid definitely has NO talent at all.

Still, it is hard to be too critical on the actors when they have to perform a script that goes from one ludicrous scenario to another.

From the time this film donates a far amount of time to showing us a rowing match (gee, you can never see enough of those) complete with the customary "it looks like they can't win it from here" calls from the commentator, you know that you are in for a pretty ordinary film.

But the film outdoes itself with its final scene that sees McNamara and Mandrake attempt to solve their differences by engaging in a duel, complete with antique guns.  Of course.  What an interesting and well thought out way of ending a movie.  There should be more of it.

It is the perfectly inept way to end a movie that you will definitely be wishing that you did not see.  Those of us who have are all dumber for the experience.

- Adam Matthews